Addiction & Co-Occurring Disorders from a SMART Perspective
SMART Recovery Canada
Regular price $67.35
Addiction and Co-Occurring Disorders from a SMART Recovery® Perspective: A Manual for Group Therapists
by Dawn Adamson, RN, CPMHN(c), CARN, and A.G. Ahmed, MD, FRCP
Designed for use by addiction professionals working with those with co-occurring disorders, this easy-to-use therapy manual includes 35 sessions of helpful group exercises with a strong scientific base. The group therapy format used is particularly desirable for front-line treatment programs. Each session includes discussion, exercises and/or role-plays, questions for the facilitator to pose to the group for discussion, and self-help homework.
The material presented aims to engage individuals in the recovery process, help increase individual insight, motivate and sustain change through education and skill development. The program has been adapted for delivery in community settings with individuals with co-occurring disorders.
Chapter topics include: Getting Started/Motivated (4 sessions); Changing Your Beliefs (8 sessions); Coping with Cravings (10 sessions); Following Through (9 sessions); and 8 optional sessions address drug facts, definitions, relationship
between drug use, mental disorder and offending behavior, and more.
282 pp.